PIER Journals
PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, also known as Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
Featured Plans

PIERS —— A global symposium committed to
advancing photonics and electromagnetics for the benefit of humanity

Best Student Paper Award

To encourage more students to present their good research results in PIERS, Best Student Papers will be awarded after their presentation in each PIERS. Three Prize Winners (First, Second, and Third Prizes) and 1-2 Honorable Mentions will be selected for each category (SC1 to SC5) by the PIERS Young Scientist Program Committee. Each winner will receive a cash award and onsite winner will have a banquet ticket to attend the Award Ceremony.

A student competing for best student paper award must be listed as the first author as well as the presenting author of a paper submitted for ORAL presentation. A full-length paper is required for the evaluation of the technical quality. The full-length paper should be submitted by the full-length paper submission deadline and registered by the pre-registration deadline. The final score is 50%*(paper review score) + 50%*(presentation score).

The BPSA full papers are to be reviewed only by the judges. During the full-length paper submission process, authors can choose to publish or not to publish their papers in PIERS Proceedings. PIERS Proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication within one month after the conference dates.

List of the recipients of Best Student Paper Award 2025 will be posted on this PIERS webpage.

Contact us

Inquiry about paper submission, registration, and program schedule, please email to:
PIERS OFFICE: office@piers.org and/or piers@emacademy.org

Usually, inquiry to PIERS OFFICE will be replied within 1-2 working days. If you cannot get reply timely, please keep trying both emails, or change another email account to contact us to avoid the unpredictable email correspondence problem between us.
